Aronia Liqueur and a Volumetric Bottle !
We just finished producing our first run of Aronia Liqueur, just in time for entry to the American Distilling Institute’s International Judging of Craft Spirits

Aronia and Persimmons
Our aronia berries and Meader persimmons are starting to ripen now! Aronia (aronia spp.) are also known as chokeberries, and at our orchard they are

Magnetic liquid dividing distillation head
In case you have never seen one, here is a very large 71/60 SGI liquid-dividing head. The silvering has been removed in this unit from

Know your condensers!
Here are some great diagrams of laboratory to pilot scale condensers. Some of these are custom built and are rarely seen in use! We would

Know your dividing heads!
Here are pictures (courtesy of SGI) of liquid-dividing and vapor-dividing glass distillation heads. We own both types, however, at Mohawk Spirits, we prefer the liquid-dividing

2017 Strawberry Harvest is in!
We just picked up about 300 pounds of fresh strawberries today! These beautiful fruits were hand-picked, de-topped, and washed in Stone Arabia, NY and transported

Pawpaw Farm and Fruit
Our New York Pawpaw farm is doing well, and getting a lot of rain and sun this year so far. One tree has 11 fruit

International Pawpaw Conference at Frankfort, KY
Eric from Mohawk Spirits was able to attend the international pawpaw conference at Kentucky State University, which was also the 100th anniversary of the 1916

Our Pawpaws have germinated!
Last year, we cleaned and saved about 80 pounds of pawpaw seeds, from specimens in New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island. All of the