Vintage Gay-Lussac Hydrometer
Another antique store find! This is a Gay-Lussac brand glass “Alcoometre” for 90-100 proof. There are some printed and some typed content in both English

Mulberry Wood Barrels from Romania
We have received three small barrels made in Romania that are constructed from mulberry wood. We are going to be aging a New York apple

Big Beautiful NY Pawpaws!
Here is a picture of some of our 2019 harvest of New York grown Pawpaws (Asimina tribola)! Drip irrigation greatly improved our fruit yield and

Historic US Customs Alcohol Hydrometer
We found this gem in an antique store in Pennsylvania. This is a glass alcohol proof hydrometer from the US Customs Office. The temperature corrections

Our new Snap-41!
Santa was very good to Mohawk Spirits Distillery this Christmastide, and we received a wonderful new Anton-Paar Snap 41 meter! This handheld meter provides a

MSD wins Gold – The Fifty Best
Mohawk Spirits Distillery wins Gold in The Fifty Best “Best Liqueur” 2019 judging! Press release follows: New York, NY, (October 14, 2019) – The Fifty

Lots of Rare Fruits in New York
Some rarer fruits here in upstate New York are now reaching ripeness at the orchard, so we’d like to share some pictures of what is
Strange Growing Season of 2019
Out at the orchard, this is a very strange year for growth patterns. Some trees are still dormant as of June 19th, and some trees

MSD Wins Bronze at FLIWC 2019
We are pleased to announce that our PawPaw Liqueur has won Bronze at the 2019 Finger Lakes International Wine Competition! This product has now spanned